Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Liked on YouTube: Mario and Luigi Gangsta Rap

Mario and Luigi Gangsta Rap
This beat belongs to T.I and P$C from "Do Ya Thang" 12,000views! 8/1/10 thanks guyz LYRICS: (Intro) Hey do your thang, do your thang, do your thang, get the one up , do your thang HEE HEE HOO HOO Do your thang, get the one up, do your thang HEE HEE HOO HOO get the one up (Mario) I got the one up, super star Mario real gangsta i set the bar Jumping over goombas stomping on koopas And when i get the mushroom im feeling super duper Remember back on the NES Graphics lookin so good you could see up Peach's dress 8 bit 16 32 Bowser lookin real mad he'll stomp on you Got my overalls on and my plunger too You've seen my old games i've got something new Go down the pipe kill the hammer bro Pick up every coin so you got the doe Spend it on a rose give it to Peach Maybe ge some tonight maybe on the beach Then take her up the stairs slide down the flag Catridge got some dirt game starts to lag Take it out flip it over and blow on it All you want to ssee is Peach's tits But ill hand it over dont want to hog The mic from Luigi go get it dawg! (Luigi) My name's Luigi and im better than yoo Im stronger, faster, more Italian too I can plunge your toilet at record speed HooHooHoo a bit and smoke some weed and i got the hoes cuz you know im a pimp Daisy, Birdo, and Toadette Limp I own my club got girls galore Plus i got a chain chomp to gaurd my door Put a hit on Wario see Talked to Bomb-omb now ill pay the fee That fat mans dumb he took my star But with a bomb on his butt he wont get real far Now ive had a question for a real long time Mario's got the spotlight and i want to know why Luigi's Masion sucked turned me into a menace (Mario) Hey thats not fair you cant say that (Luigi) See there you go again jackin my crap Its Luigi's its long past due To let the crowd kknow that im better than you (Mario) To hell with that damn man you gay In Super Smash Bros you never had your way Your special move got everyone high Go get another job get a suit in tie! (Mario and Liigi arguing)
via YouTube

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